Ministry of Giving
The Gift in Giving
So often, people look to others to receive instead of looking for people to bless. The Bible says in Luke 6:38 that when you give, you will receive. That means to receive something, you will have to give something, and depending on what you give, it will come back to you multiplied.
Jesus came and gave his life for us and taught us how to give others to people who are in greater need than us. You may be in need of something, and God promises to supply those needs when you give to advance his kingdom on earth Philippians 4:19. As the kingdom of God advances that is when the power of God increases, and revival breaks out in the earth.
There are people who live on the street and have nowhere to go when it gets cold, rainy, or hot outside. I am not saying this to make you feel guilty. The bible says God loves a cheerful giver. If you are not cheerful then do not give God accepts offers when someone is cheerful about giving.
These issues are a fact, a problem, and an issue that God has given us the ability and resources to solve.
Hope for the Helpless Outreach is tailored for people who live on the streets in Dallas, Texas, and need food, clothing, personal items, a bible, and prayer.
If you want to be a part of this movement physically, financially, or both, send your donation or email us to volunteer at and include volunteer in the subject line.